Uni-Trend Technology Limited is one of the leading Test and Measurement solutions provider in Asia, a prestige test meter brand in China. Uni-Trend has gained the ISO 9001 Quality Verification Certificate from LRQA in 1998, and obtained well-known certifications including European CE, American UL, Chinese CMC, etc. With R&D centers in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Dongguan, and other regions, Uni-Trend is capable of manufacturing innovative, reliable, high quality, safe to use, and user friendly T&M products. In the international market, Uni-Trend has established collaborations in over 90 countries with more than 600 partners for product distribution and services. Uni-Trend has always been producing products which meet the industry standards, and creating unique innovative solutions in high-growth fields. Uni-Trend is currently developing test meters and instruments in a modern designed 50,000 square meter facility located in Songshan Lake National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan City. With this new facility, Uni-Trend is capable to fully supply product demands from all across the world.

UNI-T prodotti sponsorizzati







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