International Semiconductor

Vanguard Semiconductor(VS) Headquarters is located in the Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park - Nanshan Dashahe Innovation Corridor, adjacent to the Shenzhen Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Southern University of Science and Technology. A high-tech company specializing in the design of isostatic device series and research and development of semiconductor microelectronics related products. With years of experience in cooperation with well-known power supply manufacturers, we insist on deep-seated in the field of discrete devices to enhance the performance competitiveness of domestic discrete device brands and market share. VS focuses on achieving innovative, stable, high-efficiency, low-cost total solutions. After long-term efforts, it has become one of the few high-power POWER MOSFET discrete devices with low voltage, medium voltage and high voltage, as well as advanced semiconductor process design capabilities. IC design company. Products are widely used in computers, consumer electronics, LCD / LED displays, communications power, industrial power, and solar energy, wind power, lithium and other new energy industries.

International Semiconductor prodotti sponsorizzati


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